Vanilla Webinars and Videos

Keep up with industry trends and feature releases with financial and estate planning webinars and videos
May 29, 2024

The Planner & Advisor Ecosystem: Scaling Estate Planning to Every Client

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May 29, 2024

The Planner & Advisor Ecosystem: Scaling Estate Planning to Every Client

For wealth management firms of all shapes and sizes, offering estate planning services for your clients is a proven way to grow your business and build long-term relationships.  Often, advisors are in the perfect position to initiate estate planning conversations, but lack the knowledge, confidence, or resources to do so.  In this on-demand webinar, planners share how they enable and empower advisors to initiate estate planning conversations with clients, including:  Providing educational resources and learning opportunities Optimizing certain internal systems for better efficiency and scalability Implementing technology that supports advisors, clients, and the entire firm



May 29, 2024

July 30 | Serving HNW Clients: How Wealthstone Stands Out with Estate Planning...

In a crowded marketplace, how can small firms stand out among the competition? Wealthstone Private Wealth Management has cracked the code.  On July 30th, join us to hear from Zak Gardezy, CFP, on how he uses sophisticated estate advisory practices to delight his high net-worth client base and build lasting relationships at Wealthstone. This interview-style webinar will dive into:  Best practices for bringing estate planning to high net-worth clients The key Vanilla features Wealthstone leverages day-to-day Why offering estate planning is an effective way to differentiate your firm



May 10, 2024

The Role of Life Insurance in Estate Planning

Explore how permanent life insurance can support a holistic estate plan Insurance and estate planning go together like peanut butter and jelly. Both planning instruments require a complete view of your client’s total financial picture. And, when used together, they can help clients achieve peace of mind while also helping them preserve generational wealth.  Watch on-demand to learn:  Insurance use cases for mass affluent and high-net-worth clients How life insurance can help mitigate estate taxes.  Best practices to build and present a complete view of the estate to clients to explain different insurance strategies.  



Apr 29, 2024

Estate Planning for Multi-Family Offices

Serving and scaling HNW families comes with an array of challenges. When it comes to organizing and presenting the families entire wealth with an integrated estate plan, MFOs need a better way. Join Gary Hirschberg, CEO of Aaron Wealth Advisors, and Jim Sinai, CMO of Vanilla, as they discuss how MFOs can guide clients through estate planning. Their conversation will touch best practices for handling some of the key challenges modern MFOs face, including: Organizing complex data: Bringing together various types of family, financial, and estate information and keeping it up to date Distilling information for clients: Providing a digestible summary...

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